the Michigan House of Representatives votes down insurance reform in spite of the fact that 22% of Michigan residents can't afford car insurance
Tax reform in Washington benefits the wealthy
North Korea is developing a nuclear arsenal
Another mass shooting - just less than one per day this year and no one ready to talk about gun laws
Partisan politics continues to get in the weight of the common good
I recognize that living during wars this worse than now but we have put a man on the moon. Modern man knows more and more and yet he seems to know
oh that cunning plan of the evil one! O the famous, and the frailties and the foolishness of men! When they are learning they think they are wise, and they are cannot enter the counsel of God, for they set aside, ______________they know of themselves, where for their wisdom is foolishness and it profited them nothing. And they Shall perish.
But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God.
I realize we have to live with diversity in today's world and that 1475 will not impress many. But if we think of the common teachings of all the religions of the world we could easily come up with a list of the haviours that if lived would change the world
Do unto others
Care for the poor
Be kind
Serve one another
Listen to each other
Be patient
What good does it do to put a man on the moon if we are killing each other.
For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
the government is bent on tax reform and seems caught in endless struggle to fight over funds as if they were a scarcity and there isn't enough for all. Seems like the goal of good government should always be to ensure a good quality of life for all its citizens. If tax reform doesn't do that, it is a waste of time. Why would tax reform give one person an extra thousand dollars in his pocket, another nothing, and another 13 million?
Why not just text us all the same like tithing - a simple percentage based on income - no exceptions.
or why not admit that there is a simple standard of living that every American should have and it just each individual tax to maximize his standard of
I'm just mad at Paul Ryan for saying that $1,000 was going to make a big difference in someone's life when he has the power to make bigger changes.
how about a deduction for college cost for working families? How about lowering the health care premiums that have stolen needed dollars from budgets that were already
How about more funding for our inner-city
I could go on and on. But I based My philosophy on one scripture that I believe with all my heart and soul.
Doctrine and covenants 104 verse 17 for the Earth is full and there is enough and to spare. yes, I have prepared all things.
Unfortunately the lord gave us one other thing - he gave us agency and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves. End quote
sometimes I wish he had not been so free with agency. It just hurts to see what man does to
But the Lord continued in section 104
therefore If any man shall take of the abundance which I have made, and I'm part not his portion according to the law of my gospel, on to the poor and needy, he shall, with the wicked, lift up his eyes in hell.
now since I don't believe in hell as a literal place I have to interpret that last sentence to me just that there will be accountability for all actions ultimately. But ultimate doesn't help with the no and I believe that the Lord just wants us to know that he takes this idea of stewardship seriously. Those who have been given much have a god-given responsibility to provide for the poor and needy
how they do that is their choice. But to not do it is really not a
if they say they need tax relief for the rich to get that money out into the economy - okay do it. But be serious about what it takes for a family to live a decent life
Pay a decent wage
Provide sick days for self and family
Provide health insurance
Provide vacation time
Provide insurance plans for life and disability
Provide skill training and education for
You see, there is enough and to spare!!
why should one person work 40 hours for $30,000 and another the same amount of time for
this crap what Doctrine and covenants 38 is talking about when the father says to one son be clothed in rags and two of the other be closed in robes? Why do we value once labor over another, especially since we know there is enough.
it's Tuesday morning and our garbage was just picked up. I'm so grateful for their service. I hope they are getting paid a living wage. I hope that for
Let every man esteem his brother as himself. Doctrine and covenants 3825
The world needs a spiritual makeover - and soon!!