Saturday, March 21, 2020

Psalm 55:6

Psalm 55:6
And I said, oh, that I had wings like a dove! For then I would fly away and be at rest.

sometimes I just want to go somewhere far away from the cares of the day. Stress is such a constant in today's world. Not that stress is bad or toxic. but just being busy can do it for me - I long for a week on the beach, line and recliner out on the sand, reading and writing, it kayak handy for gliding along the shore. I've had my camera with a few new lenses to catch a bird in flight, the sunrise and the sunset. Nothing would disturb me nor distract me. I'd be like Anne Morrow Lindbergh seeking peace, finding it among life's simple treasures.

I told a friend of mine that I have the secret desire to run away a month or so ago. She said she would gladly go with me. Her life is difficult and she wears it well - on the surface.

The news is so horrible right now. Mueller's investigation into illegal ties to Russia by Trump's election campaign is finding corruption everywhere. Women in Hollywood are speaking up bravely about sexual harassment and scores of others are joining them. It's so good to hear them speak up but so sad to hear how pervasive the problem

there was another mass murder yesterday - at a church this time. 27 dead - scores injured.

2017 will be remembered for hurricanes that devastated whole islands in the Caribbean and wrought havoc in so many US cities. We had hundreds of wildfires but the worst was in Santa Rosa where we are the fires destroyed whole neighborhoods.

Mass shootings in Vegas and Texas left us all feeling helpless. at least a hurricane is known beforehand and you can evacuate and save lives. How terrifying can it be to be at a concert or at church and just have a mad men start shooting. or what if you're just out for a jog in the park and a truck suddenly pulls onto the path and most people down?

The middle East is in crisis. Governments and radical groups wage war and the innocent suffer. Oh, that I had the wings of a dove for then I would fly away and be at rest.

for many that trip to fly away was a crowded boat crossing the open Sea or a desert caravan. Both situations were costly in dollars in lives. There are still over 50 million displaced persons - there was no rest at the end of their journey - just a crowded, noisy, dirty refugee camp.

Insert where can I turn for peace here

even if we could run away from our problems and find a secret place of refuge, we would find an emptiness or void. Man is social. We need each other. I know myself enough to know life on the beach can be a welcome pause but it isn't my long-term fix. The message of the ham above is and always has been my answer.
my peace is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I find Hope and gospel teachings about who I am in the purpose of life. I find Hope and knowing that there is life after death. Our relationships are meant to be Eternal and they can be through God's plan. I find peace in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Repentance, forgiveness, long-suffering, turning the other cheek, all the principles he taught have proved to be the answer to so many daily problems. I find contentment in knowing that God hears my prayers and he is aware of me and the challenges of my life. In him and through him I find strength and courage. He has calmed my anguish. He has understood. I have experienced his loving-kindness. He is my friend.

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